11/12/12, Boise State University, Dept of Geosciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Jim McNamara Research Director, Pam Aishlin Data Management Data provided herein is for the Treeline catchment of Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Boise, Idaho. DATA STREAM: 1. Two pits, pit 3 and pit 4, were emplaced jointly by Boise State University and NW region Agricultural Resource, USDA, of Boise, Idaho, 1998, in conjunction with weather station installation at this site in 1998. Within each of these two pits, Campbell Scientific CS615 Water Content sensors were installed at 5 depths. Sensor depths vary by pit. A thermocouple is installed alongside each CS615 to provide same point soil temperature. 2. Data collection and site maintenance is provided by Boise State University Hydrologic Sciences. Data collection for Pit3 and 4 began 5/6/1999, associated with the Treeline weather station. 3. Data files collected via Campbell Scientific datalogger are quality checked and post processed for gapfilling, noise filtering and/or corrected according to established instrument calibrations. Calibration documents are identified as BSU archive files M:\boisefront\products\historical\dcew_tl\Soil\TL_P3P4 ....dchandle\MyDocuments\reports and publications\WCR note\[Low_Up_Trase_CS615_data!.xls] as well as http://www.ictinternational.com.au/reftrase.htm http://adattar.atestor.hu:81/epito/talaj_nedvesseg_analizator.pdf Calibration is based upon Trase (tm) Soil Water Content values plotted against CS615 period values for each sensor. Field based calibration was conducted on 22 separate days during years 1999 through 2001, across all seasons. DATA/INSTRUMENT NOTES: Pit 3 is located upslope of pit 4, 5 meters lateral separation, on the north facing slope of the Treeline catchment approximately 10 meters north of the TL weather station tower. (Pits 1 and 2 are located at the Lower Weather station) Site data files contain multiple fields, one field (column) for each sensor at a given depth and pit location. TL soil data is provided at hourly increments. Soil pits 3 and 4 include both soil moisture and soil temperature at the following depths, in centimeters. Pit 3: 5,15,30,60,100; Pit 4: 5,15,30,45,65 Bedrock in this catchment varies, from zero to approximately one meter. Sandy loam over fractured granodiorite. Datalogger program: 'original program eqn was corrected in post processing,e.g. 1 of 10: '...Water_1=-0.187+0.037*SM1_4(1)+0.335*SM1_4(1)^2+0*SM1_4(1)^3+0*SM1_4(1)^4+0*SM1_4(1)^5 'BELOW IS THE ACUTAL EQN TO BE USED FOR FINAL CORRECTED SOIL MOISTURE BASED ON TRASE FIELD CALIBRATIONS SM1_10(1)=-0.41+0.56*SMraw1_4(1) SM1_10(2)=-0.6+0.79*SMraw1_4(2) SM1_10(3)=-0.64+0.84*SMraw1_4(3) SM1_10(4)=-0.57+0.76*SMraw1_4(4) SM1_10(5)=-0.57+0.75*SMraw5_8(1) SM1_10(6)=-0.44+0.61*SMraw5_8(2) SM1_10(7)=-0.56+0.72*SMraw5_8(3) SM1_10(8)=-0.58+0.79*SMraw5_8(4) SM1_10(9)=-0.65+0.86*SMraw9_10(1) SM1_10(10)=-0.54+0.69*SMraw9_10(2) ERRORS/GAPS/UPDATES: 2004-2011 Soil data for TL pits 3 and 4 have been gap filled for minor data gaps, with -6999 used for no data values. Pit 3 30 cm depth sensor failed on 11/20/2001. Larger datagaps have not been filled, including 12/18/2004 1/21/2005,12/19/2006 -12/31/2006, gap 11/29/2009 - 12/01/2009, minor gap 10/30/2011 1400, 12/19/2011 1600,1700, 12/20/2011 1400, 2012 2013 changed datalogger from cr10x to cr1000 7/1/2013. No longer postprocessing soil p3p4 data for correct sensor calibration. Corrrect calibration is applied in cr1000 program. 2014 2015 minor gap 3/18/2015. 2016 Gaps occur Jan 24,25,30,31, June 29. 2017 Gap 7/7 1100 (work onsite). Pit 4 5 cm sensor begins to fail fall 2017; data indicates it may be more shallow than 5 cm. possibly due to slope disruption/erosion. Pit 3 30 cm depth sensor remains failed 2018-2021 Multiple program changes occur fall 2018 w/ minor data gaps. 9/1/, 9/2/, 10/26, 10/29. 10/26/28/2018 data gap for 15 min data set only, solar. Only Pit 3 30 cm depth sensor remains failed with periodic failure still in pit 4 5cm soi moi sensor. 2020 gap 12/18/20