10/31/13, Boise State University, Dept of Geosciences, Hydrologic Sciences, Jim McNamara Research Director, Pam Aishlin Data Management Data provided herein is for the Bogus Ridge weather station (BRW) of Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Boise, Idaho. DATA STREAM: 1. Measurement site was installed by Boise State University (Student Reggie Walters) of Boise, Idaho, October 2011 with partial data collection initiated 11/15/2011, complete collection on 1/27/2012. Data collection and site maintenance is provided by Boise State University Hydrologic Sciences. Instrumentation installed provides measurement of air temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, radiation flux and shielded precipitation. Soil moisture sensors, thermocouples and heat flux plates are installed adjacent to the weather station tower. 2. Data files collected via Campbell Scientific datalogger are telemetered and compiled. This is level 0, raw data (CUAHSI HIS standards). (CUAHSI HIS standards, 0 = raw data, 1 = Quality controlled data that have passed quality assurance procedures such as routine estimation of timing and sensor calibration or visual inspection and removal of obvious errors, 2 = Derived products that require scientific and technical interpretation and may include multiple-sensor data. An example is basin average precipitation derived from rain gages using an interpolation procedure.) 3. Selected hourly timeseries are quality checked and post processed for gapfilling, noise filtering and/or corrected according to established instrument calibrations. For weather data, the timeseries provided herein are shielded gage precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and windspeed. See our soil measurement data directory for soil data provided. 4. Data as collected and provided is, by protocol in mountain standard time, year-round. SITE NOTES: As the fifth weather station established in support of ongoing hydrologic research in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed (DCEW), this site is officially named “Bogus Ridge Weather” station (BRW). Instrumentation with corresponding data series provides measurement of air temperature, relative humidity, snow depth, precipitation (shielded alter gage), wind speed and wind direction, barometric pressure, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil heat flux and four component shortwave/ longwave radiation. BRW is located on the northern ridge line of east-facing Clear Creek watershed, immediately adjacent to DCEW headwater basin. At 2114 m elevation, BRW is located above the rain-snow transition zone for winter precipitation on the Boise Front. Based on historical records from adjacent sites, average annual precipitation at BRW is expected to be between 700 and 800 mm, with snowpack generally two meter s deep or less, December through May. Soil at the site is sandy loam, zero to one meter depth above fractured crystalline bedrock. Vegetation includes minor low profile grass and forbs, broad thickets of ceanothus,sparse Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir. DATA/INSTRUMENT NOTES: Missing data values are represented as -6999. Values provided include instantaneous values and average hourly values. Program scan is every minute, therefore hourly averages are calculated from 60 values per hour, unless specified otherwise, e.g. wind vector data. Air temperature - RH-Air temperature meaurement is conducted with hygrometer-Rh-T sensors, Campbell Scientific-HMP-155 Vaisala. Temperature accuracy varies with T (as a function of voltage output), for which best accuracy is +/-0.1 C at 20 C, decreasing to +/-0.2 at approx -20 C and 50 C. Precision is inferred as 0.001 C. Values provided herein are average hourly values. Data provided is quality control level 1 (CUAHSI HIS standards as noted above). Barometric pressure - PTB110 Barometric Pressure, Vaisala/Campbell Scientific. Total accuracy varies with temperature, with increased accuracy at higher temperatures, +/-1.5mb at 0 to 40 C, +/-2 mb below freezing, precision is inferred as 0.01 mb. Instantaneous values. Data provided is quality control level 1 (CUAHSI HIS standards as noted above). Precipitation - Cumulative precipitation is measured by OTT Pluvio2, weighing bucket gage, model 400 with orifice opening 400 cm2 and capacity 750 mm. Precision is 0.01 mm, performed at 6 second intervals. Threshold is 0.1 mm/hour. The weighing bucket is installed 10 m soutwest of the weather tower 2 m above ground surface and is accompanied by an Alter-type rain gage shield. Raw data values are instantaneous and may require post processing to provide valid precipitation data. Post-processed data may be gapfilled and compiled yearly or upon request. Gap-filled data provided is quality control level 2 (CUAHSI HIS standards as noted above). Relative humidity - hygrometer-Rh-T, Campbell Scientific-HMP-155 Vaisala,average hourly values. Each 100 ft of cable increases the apparent RH reading by 0.56% RH. Cable is less than 20 ft at this location. Accuracy at 20 C is +/-2% RH up to 90% RH, +/-3% 90-100% RH. Data provided is quality control level 1 (CUAHSI HIS standards as noted above). Snow depth - Two sonar sensors installed adjacent to one another 10 M south of the weather tower, usd sensor #1 is located 2 meters west of sensor #2. Values represent instantaneous measurement. significant noise may occur in this data, esp during windy conditions. Thermister/program for snow depth sensor output is erroneous prior to Winter 2012, resulting in erroneous snowdepth values. Correction to snowdepth has been conducted using weather station air temperature data applied to raw snow depth sensor voltage time series and is available by request. Snow depth data presented has been processed for noise removal, wherein obvious erroneous output values are replaced with -6999. This data is quality control level 1 (CUAHSI HIS standards as noted above). Alternately processed snowdepth data that involves smoothing is available upon request. Solar - NR01 4-Component Net Radiation, Hukseflux 4-component Hukseflux net radiometer (Model NR01) includes pyanometers, downward and upward facing, to measure short wave radiation, as well as pyrgeometers to measure far infrared radiation. Spectral response is 0.305 to 2.8 microns and 4.5 to 50 microns, accuracy +/-10% for daily totals. Data provided by these sensors is output in Watts per square meter with .1 precision inferred. Shortwave radiation is reported as raw, signed incoming. Net radiation is calculated as incoming sw radiation - outgoing sw rad + temperature corrected incoming lw rad - temperature corrected outgoing lw rad. Raw values are either 15 min or hrly average values. Prior to 2/26/2013, 15 min avg values are averaged per hour for output of hourly avg radiation values. It is from these avg values that net radiation is calculated as noted above. See separate 4 component data file for these sw and lw radiation values. Solar data is quality control level 1 (CUAHSI HIS standards as noted above). Additional IR Radiometer is available by request. and SI-111 IR Radiometer, Apogee/Campbell Sci, average hourly values. Net radiation is calculated from 4 component solar radiation using corrected sw and temperature corrected longwave, both incoming and outgoing. Wind - Windsonic 2-D Sonic Wind Sensor, Gill/Campbell Scientific; average hourly values. Rhime ice may be a concern during winter extremes. An additional 034B Windset, Campbell Scientific, provides data in these files from 6/3/2014. Sonic wind data is avail by request. Wind data is quality control level 1 (CUAHSI HIS standards as noted above). Soil measurements - See soil data directory for more information. ERRORS/GAPS/UPDATES: 2011 partial data collection initiated 11/15/2011. Windsonic 2-D Sonic Wind Sensor experiences rhime ice during winter extremes; under these conditions windspeed and wind dir are given no data value -6999. Also wind dir is corrected with +40 degrees as per offset noted 10/7/2013, see below. 2012 data gap: jan 22, 2012 1345 to Jan 27, 2012 1515 for above ground; no data for below ground prior to Jan 27, 2012 1515. Gap 8/31 2012 1445 to 9/3 for above ground dataset. Windsonic 2-D Sonic Wind Sensor experiences rhime ice during winter extremes; under these conditions windspeed and wind dir are given no data value -6999. Also wind dir is corrected with +40 degrees as per offset noted 10/7/2013, see below. 2013 program changed on 1/22/13. Snow - usd sensor #2 provides apparently valid data for 2013. Snow depth data processing involves application of a smoothing algorithm in Matlab, followed by manual corrections for some no data values and a few occasions where the algorithm fails, such as proximate to nodata values 1/7-1/17/2013 and 12/2/13-12/10/13. Snowfall is indicated at adjacent sites 12/7-12/9/2013. . precipitation measurement output moved to below ground data set. program change on 2/26/13 all data collection changed to hourly interval. Windsonic 2-D Sonic Wind Sensor experiences rhime ice during winter extremes; under these conditions windspeed and wind dir are given no data value -6999. 10/7/13 existing windsonic sensor is reoriented to North. Additional windset 034B is installed, however, provides no data. Windsonic wind dir is corrected with +40 degrees as per offset noted 10/7/2013. 2014 Snow depth sensor failed as of 4/16/2014. Data gap 5/7-14 - 5/29/14 above ground data, gap begins earlier, 4/16/14 for below ground data. Data for gapfill/interpolation is available at nearby SNOTEL site. Results from gapfill/interpolation may be requested from our group. DATA GAP FROM 5/7/2014 - 5/29/2014. GAPFILLed VIA INTERPOLATION from NEARBY SITES, BOGUS SNOTEL AND SCR WEATHER. . Snow - usd sensor #2 provides apparently valid data for 2014 until 4/23. GAPFILL thereafter was PERFORMED RELATIVE TO BOGUS SNOTEL SNOWDEPTH, WITH RECESSION CURVE DETERMINED BY SITE VISIT SNOW DEPTH ESTIMATES FOR BRW ON 5/7 AND 5/22. Snow depth data processing involves application of a smoothing algorithm in Matlab, followed by manual corrections for some no data values and a few occasions where the algorithm fails, such as proximate to no data values. . Pcp - Data gap 5/7 1100 till 5/29 1600 was gapfilled with adjusted SCR pcp data. SCR has the same model OTT pcp bucket as BRW. Pcp ratio for BRW/SCR for mid march through 5/7/2014 is 0.92, meaning SCR receives slightly more pcp catch than BRW. The higher percentage of pcp occurring as snow at BRW may contribute to this difference. For Bogus snotel, the ratio is BRW/Bogus is 0.82. The Bogus site was not used for interpolation gapfill due to high noise level in the Bogus pcp data. SCR is located due south of BRW, proximal to ridgeline in a site that may be slightly more protected from wind than BRW. SCR is 394 m lower in elevation. . wind - Additional windset 034B is installed, however, provides no data prior to 6/3. WIND, gap 5/7-6/3, ws is avg 0.95 m/s greater at BRW. stdev of wind dir is greater at BRW. gapfill is performed by adding 0.95 to Bogus ws, leaving winddir as is. The Bogus Snotel site is less wind exposed. windsonic sensor is used to provide wind data for 2014. . solar - Data gap 5/7/2014 till 5/29 was gapfilled with adjusted SCR 4 component radiation data. SCR has the same model 4 comp sensor as BRW. Shortwave in comparable at BRW and SCR, direct value gapfill is applied. However, SW out varies notably with snowcover at site. SCR has notably less snowcover than BRW. Snowcover is interpolated to be zero at BRW on 5/15. For gapfill to 5/15, a higher reflective ratio for BRW is applied in the gapfill, according to values on 5/5-5/6 at BRW. LW in assessed as continuously lower at BRW compared with SCR. Interpolation is therein applied. LW out is interpolated as notably less that at SCR due to snow cover differences. For gapfill to 5/15, the difference noted for prior to 5/7 is applied. After 5/15 LW out is assumed equal to SCR due to similar lack of snow. Net rad, may be either calculated from the above interpolations or interpolated from result at SCR. The calculated is found to better align with actual in post snow conditions and is therefore provided herein. All interpolated results are tested against data resumption at BRW early June for which results are shown comparable to data. Only SW in is indicated as underestimated, as well as net rad, slightly. The Bogus site only provides incoming solar. SCR is located due south of BRW, proximal to the ridgeline in a site that is less forested than BRW. SCR is 394 m lower in elevation. . AirT - gap 5/7-5/29, Bogus avg 0.6 celsius higher than BRW, min and max also higher, stdev at Bogus is less than that at BRW. gapfilled BRW airT as Bogus minus 1.5. A more accurate gapfill may be acquired by treating and applying night vs. daylight stats separately. RH, gap 5/7-5/29, similar. Bogus avg 1.95% RH higher. Therefore, gapfilled BRW RH as 1.95% lower than Bogus values. 10/7/2014 minor program change. 11/25/14 installed new usd snow depth sensor. Data produces is comparable to last year's usd sensor. Noise removal accomplished with matlab smoothing and manual correction. 12/28/14 to 12/31/14 precipitation data is questionable. Minimal pcp occurred at adjacent SCR and Bogus SNOTEL SITES 12/28-31. SCR data is used for gapfill herein. Site visit 1/4/2015 and 1/7/2015 to removed ice and dump bucket. 2015 Snow catch loss is suspected for Dec 2015. See nearby sites TL and Bogus Snotel for indication of potential catch at BRW during Dec 2015. 2016 Datalogger program change 4/28, 5/25 w/ header changes, 10/12. Gap 4/21 1500-1600, 10/12 1400-1500. Solar sensor partial failure, sw in, 6/30 - 8/18. Shortwave in is corrected with minor negative values at night set to zero. Baro, program correction is made Oct 2016; prior year baro data in mb, not mmHg, potential additional errors, see field notes. Wind- Sonic wind sensor remains as above, assessed as reasonable output. Sensor 034B is replaced by RMYoung windset Oct 2016. Pcp- OTT output bucket non real time is used, manually corrected at dump/recharge occurrences, then processed via matlab to remove noise. Pcp gage incurs significant noise in Dec.2016; the pcp filter results for Dec 2016 should be used cautiously. Snow undercatch is suspected November through December. Snowdepth data also incurs significant noise/error fall 2016, for which smoothing results should be used cautiously; some periods therein remain as nodata values. 2017 Data gap March 10-14, low battery, solar panel snow covered. Gap 8/18 1200-1700, site visit. 8/18-8/24 temporary logger program (data column) change. 8/24- 9/24 separate data fetch, for eclipse, remained hourly data increment. 9/18 air temp data suspect, replaced w/ Judd airT. Pcp noise occurring winter 2016-2017 solved March 2017, diagnosed as a bucket seating/noise problem, no valid pcp data. Pcp also fail 8/18-9/28,cable chewed. Used nearby Bogus SNOTEL data to gapfill OTT Accumulated NRT data Jan 1 - Mar 14 and 8/18-9/28, based on comparable pcp 3/14-3/23 between the two sites. Pcp filter via matlab employed w/ manual end of storm corrections 3/31 0900, 4/25 0700, 6/12 1900, 11/7 1600, 11/17 700, 12/3 2200l Snowdepth processed by Matlab, smoothing. Manual corrections for high noise during storm via comparision w/ nearby SNOTEL station: 1/11 1500 - 1/15 2000, 3/11-3/14, 5/23-5/25, 12/26. Wind sensors failed in 2017, sonic sensor fail 3/14. Periodic nodata values occur prior to fail, as usual w/ suspected rhime conditions. Existing RM Young windset broke due to high winds/pcp 11/1/2017. New wind sensor emplaced, RMYoung alpine windset, operational Jan 8, 2018. 2018 Anomalies in battery power values occur summer 2018. Gap 10/19 - 10/22 due to work on site, program change, logger failed to maintain program loaded. Gaps 12/21-12/26 due to possible power-regulator error, possible logger corruption, potentially due to sensor open circuit. Analog sensors indicate logger analog ports are functioning correctly. Telemetered program 12/14. New OS 12/26, new sunsaver regulator emplaced to replace CH100. Snowdepth data provided by judd sensor located at weather tower. 2019 Gap 1/10/ - 1/21. Data gap from 1/31 5:00 to 3/1/2019 1800. (no gaps thereafter; 3/4/2019 disconnected suspect sensors) Failed sensor with open circuit is determined to be source of logger/sensor failures late 2018-early 2019, possibly initiated 2018. 1/24/2019 baro fail, IR sporadic fail. March various sensors failing, some disconnected to locate open circuit sensor. Datalogger box is buried beneath snow late Feb into April. Summer-RH/T removed as failed sensor. New RHT emplaced in October. Pcp - data gaps affect accurate placement of accumulated pcp. Interpolation with adjacent sites may be used to improve the below. Gap 1/10/19 -1/21/19 471.5 mm to 510.9 (39.4 mm) accumulated is placed at end of gap period. Gap 1/31/19 -3/1/19 135.8 mm to 353.9 (218.1 mm) accumulated is placed at end of gap period. Snowdepth - Unusually high snowdepth year. Raw data is 15 minute. echo sensor shift in value 4/27/19 21:30. Judd remains steady. Snowdepth data is a combination of echo and judd measured data, offset to echo location apprx 20 ft away from weather tower where snow tends to be slightly deeper. The offset judd data is used where data gaps occur in the echo data (April-May 2019). Continuous snowdepth data series are verified with onsite snowdepth measurements throughout the winter season. Wind direction fail Oct 5, 2019. Reconnect Judd 12/10, fail 12/12; use echo snowdepth as needed. Snowdepth data is very noisy fall-winter 2019-2020. Matlab smoothing and manual corrections are moderately successful in removing the noise. Reconnected wind 12/15/19. 2020 - New Rh/T sensors appears to have been performing well since emplacement Oct 2019. Precipitation bucket is near full late Februrary 2020, dumped early March. Snow depth data is incurring the usual noise, wind and/or rhime related. Using usd echo sensor. Judd is also available. Snowdepth data processed via matlab to remove noise. Depth at echo to judd transect 115 - 130 cm on Jan 13, 2020. This site verification indicates the snowdepth timeseries provided for spring 2020 may be 2 to 26 cm less than actual snowdepth. Solar charging fails late March with resulting data gap until 4/19 site visit. Precipitation total during this gap 3/29/20 - 4/19/20 is 204 mm to 256 mm (52 mm), is placed at the end of the gap. Interpolation with adjacent sites can provide for more accurate placment of this precipitation as it occurred. Minor gap occurs again 4/20/20. Wind direction fail 4/19/20 to 6/4/20. OTT weighing bucket pcp gage begins to incur mass loss error, suspect as due to on board electronic/programming failure. These "losses" are corrected in post-processing via matlab. 2021 - gap 1/11/2021 17:00, partial; low bat data gap 2/18 2200-2/24/2021 1400 and 2/24-2/25 0-8 am. Note that the 2/18 gap begins near the end of a large storm event. The resulting gap fill and cumulative precipiation may not include all additional pcp that may have occurred from 2/18 to 2/24. Concurrently both low battery and noise related gaps occur in the snowdepth data. Adjacent site data (LDP, TL, SCR) may used to assess this gapfill period. Outside of gap periods, evaporative/other losses/drift, are corrected via matlab script. Snow depth is provided by Judd sensor at the main ridge weather tower. Gaps occur as noted above, but also for periods of excessive noise, such as occurs during a storm. Additional snowdepth from nearby, typically deeper snowpack ridge location, is available upon request. NOTE: CURRENT YEAR DATA IS PROVISIONAL. All data sets may be error corrected at year-end. Precipitation data and snow data undergo smoothing and additional data filter processing at year end in contrast to raw data that may be published "realtime". solar-in will be corrected for minor neg values. Windsonic sensor incurs error under extreme conditions resulting in invalid zero values and must be corrected to no data values -6999. Precipitation data and snow data undergo smoothing and additional data filter processing at year end in contrast to raw data that may be published "realtime".